If any of this resonates with you we’ve got GREAT news for you…
You are SO in the right place!
What if we told you that you could enroll in a coach training program that provides done-for-you life coaching packages that include EVERYTHING you need to start coaching right away?
Finally! A life coach training program that is as fun, time-sensitive, and unique as you are! (And affordable, too!)
Well, you can!
Our Master Life Coach Certification (and niche certifications) offer you all of this and MORE!
And the best part is that you get access to EVERYTHING we have developed and created over a decade of learning, coaching and teaching. WE GIVE YOU EVERYTHING—the whole she-bang. Our blood, sweat and tears, our trials and errors, the money we put into training and development, the conferences and workshops we’ve attended, and even degrees in education and psychology—you benefit from ALL OF IT!
From Zero to Hero Life Coaching guide. Very comprehensive, delivered in a fun modality. Dwells into the establishing of a niche, doing market research, defining one’s price, and different modalities of coaching. Deeply insightful and the materials are delivered in an easy-to-follow, clear, and concise modality that I could follow even when commuting or doing my work at my day job. Anyone willing to take on the amazing adventure of personal transformation, or anyone wanting to coach others through the clarity of their own experience should take a listen to what Joeel and Natalie have to say.
These instructors are professional and very knowledgeable. I’m an advanced coach with over 14 years experience. I found this training very current and relevant for anyone wanting to become a coach. The tools provided are great and very useful to share with clients. This course was filled with tons of relevant content given by 2 heart-centered teachers. Every aspect of running a coaching business was thought of and they provided necessary tools to help you get started like a professional.
The Master program includes the foundational Professional Life Coach Certification and 3 niche coaching certifications (normally $197 each).
Establish a strong foundation as life coach by learning industry best practices, powerful communication techniques, and proven coaching processes and methodologies. Receive done-for-you templates and questionnaires and strategies for launching your coaching business.
Help your clients live passionate and meaningful lives and discover their greater life purpose! Help them: capitalize on their talents and skills, find meaning in past experiences, understand their personality, empower their beliefs, choose a career or path they love.
Help your clients find happiness in everyday life, no matter what obstacles they may be facing. Work with clients to peel off the layers of limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and old programming empowering them to unleash their happiness from within!
All success depends on achieving meaningful goals by having a solid short and long term plan. Discover the 4-Steps to Goal Success:
1) Know what you really want
2) Believe you can achieve it
3) Create a concrete plan for success
4) Stay committed and motivated.
This course is accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134)
The total cost you’ll pay is only
(That's 80% off! Regularly $497. One-time fee.)
Why the master program is designed the way it is…
As we already pointed out, the Master Life Coach Certification included 4 coach certifications. But you might be wondering, “why?” As you can see below, the variety of tools and perspectives deliberately offered in the program ensure you become a confident, prepared, effective, well-rounded as a coach.
IN THIS SELF-PACED VIRTUAL TRAINING PROGRAM we will personally walk you through everything you need to know and do in order to jump start your life coaching business!
But, if you consider that other coach certification programs cost THOUSANDS of dollars… take months (or years) to complete… aren’t as thorough… and often require continued membership payments to remain certified… then you can TRULY see the value!
We used to charge much, much more for this exact same program when we used to conduct the training in person ($2,000+ plus travel and lodging)... until we decided to offer a completely self-paced version that is ACCESSIBLE to everyone, no matter where you live or your financial situation! We believe in democratizing education and coaching!
Not to mention how much money, time and energy WE invested to gain mastery in these areas and how much time, money and headache this program will save you.
Joeel + Natalie are pioneers in the life coaching field and Co-Founders of Transformation Academy, an online education and life coach training company with nearly one million students from 200 countries and territories. With their background in psychology, sociology and education, they infuse a deep understanding of psychology and human potential into all of their programs.
Their mission is to empower leading-edge entrepreneurs, leaders and life coaches to master their mindset and create a purpose-driven life and business so they can monetize their passion and live life on their terms.
We are Joeel and Natalie Rivera—your soon-to-be coach trainers! (Yes, we’re married AND work together… 24 hours a day… and we LOVE IT!) Below we’ll tell you our story, briefly… the REAL story. The one that wasn’t always easy but that lead us PERFECTLY to this place of living out our life’s purpose and creating the thriving business (and the FREEDOM that comes with it) that we always wanted!
With my first client, I realized it was crucial that I took BOTH the happiness course and the life purpose course… I can see why you guys configured the Master Course the way you did… I can see how in most situations a coach needs to be nimble… I just think the Master Course is a perfect bundling. Round of applause to you and thank you from just 1 life you have changed. You guys have sparked a lot of inspiration in me and I am SO grateful! Rawk on!
Before enrolling in Joeel & Natalie courses, I spent time and money trying to understand Life Coaching. I have enrolled in 16 of their courses and I have completed six of them. I love to receive the completion email stating they are doing the happy dance for me! What makes me keep enrolling in their courses is the feeling that I’m getting the right education. Their videos are professional, well thought and planned. All the information provided is clear, realistic and useful. The resources provided are a good guide and very helpful. They are my top instructors and a model to follow. I’m looking forward to finishing my remaining 10 courses and more to come, and of course, keep learning from the best!
We are so confident that this life coach training program will transform your coaching business that we’re offering an unconditional, NO-questions-asked 30-day money back guarantee.
If for whatever reason the program does not satisfy you in any way, simply send us an email within 30 days from your purchase and we’ll refund you right away! No explanation needed. No monkey business.
Give it a try…
Thousands of thriving, grateful students can’t be wrong! The only thing that we ask in return for this amazing deal is for you to truly apply what you have learned and then use it to transform the lives of those around you!
The total cost you’ll pay is only
(That's 80% off! Regularly $497. One-time fee.)
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