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This special masterclass is created to Inspire you towards increased self-awareness and towards identifying and deactivating the limitations and blockages you have in life, especially towards financial abundance, but generally related to abundance and what you want and don't have yet in any aspect of your life. Our intention is to lead you towards the Awareness of your Mental Power and the conviction that you can achieve and live exactly everything you want in life.

This series of events takes place LIVE on zoom, and each session will last between 60 and 90 minutes.

In this course you will learn about the power of your mind and how you can use it to achieve your goals, no matter in which field they are, but especially on a financial level, which we know is the burning desire of many of our clients.

The change process from our point of view is based on 4 big steps:

1. Awareness
- includes identifying who you are, your self and having a clear picture of your current situation. But more than that, we want to help you find out exactly what you really want in life and why?

2. Belief - Based on increasing self-confidence and your belief that you can achieve your dreams. You'll learn how to identify and remove money blockages, and we'll also address your self-image and self-worth. Through this masterclass you will realize that everything you want is possible for you and you will start to believe in yourself and in this! You are capable of doing anything and you have access to the necessary resources!

3. Action - Acting in the proposed direction is Vital for Success! The first step is the DECISION to start this transformation now, because that's the only way you can achieve your goals! Through action towards them! Why? Because you deserve this transformation, you deserve the money, freedom and happiness you dream of and everything you want in life!

We aim to inspire you, to take the first steps and get out of the vicious circle in which, perhaps without realizing it, you indulged until now.

4. Perseverance and Consistency
- Many times, people get discouraged when their goals are not achieved in the time or by the methods they set out to achieve. People are discouraged when they are told no to an idea that they have and that they think is amazing. But the truth is that those who have truly achieved success and lived the life they dreamed of, have heard NO and gone through failure and fear hundreds if not thousands of times! And with all that, they did NOT give up! They persevered! They worked on themselves and believed so much in their dream and the ability to achieve it, that they understood that failure is also an important part of success. Every failure and every NO answer we receive is a lesson to be learned and based on which to move on. Everyone's attitude in these situations is critical!

And you will know exactly what steps must be taken to adopt an attitude and mentality based on abundance, to work in tandem with the universal laws and to use all the methods and tools at your disposal.

The materials from the presentation for this master class are created by Sanda Kruger and it is forbidden to be copied and reproduced for any reason other than the education of the participants.

Sanda is a master trainer in the field of life, health and business coaching, who fully believes in the fact that a complete metamorphosis is possible for anyone who wants it enough to put in the necessary work to change their current way of thinking, the current beliefs and values that do not use them, and thus the behavioral habits that have brought the respective person to the results so far, but not yet to the fulfillment of dreams.

She, like many of the clients she worked with, are clear proof that this transformation is possible!

"Great content. Each topic is explained in simple terms, examples of behaviour patterns and actions to take to resolve the issue. Taking lots of notes and have already implemented some of the solutions. Especially like the advice of breaking things into manageable, smaller steps."

- Erica B.

"I absolutely love these topics covered in this course. Everyone should learn how to set their own boundaries and learn how to check in with themselves for self-care. Learning how "to help ourselves first" has been an eye-opening experience, especially as someone who has been a helper and people-pleaser my whole life. This course is full of incredibly empowering tools for boundary setting, confidence-building, and mental/physical well-being that I'll be using every day. These lessons are important for dealing with not ourselves but also all of the relationships we have with our family, friends and others."

- Casey M.

"I just love their teaching/coaching style, so personable and upbeat.

I have completed four courses now and I can't wait to take four more!!

  Bliss be with you always..."

- Travis F.

What you'll learn

  • You will learn how you can change your current life and reach your full potential.
  • You will learn why your current life results are the way they are.
  • You will learn about the 3 parts of the Human Mind: Subconscious, Conscious and Supraconscious
  • You will learn about the power of the Subconscious mind and how it controls 95% of the human behavior
  • You will learn who is responsible for your reality and your current results
  • You will learn how to use the 6 higher mental powers to take control of your mind and life.
  • You will learn about your power of manifestation and the mind level and what can you do to maximize it


Your certification awaits you

Upon course completion, you'll receive an official digital (PDF) certification as well as the option to request a printed certificate and/or CPD/CEU credits through the CPD Standards Office.

Meet Your Instructor

Sanda Kruger

This masterclass is taught by Sanda Kruger. Sanda is an entrepreneur with more than 20-year experience in business development and project management in the fields of life, health and fitness coaching. She is also a real estate investor and a banker, who learned outstanding adapted business strategies, sales and marketing techniques, communication, and goal setting skills, hands-on, through life and work experiences. All these she has applied successfully numerous times in her career. This practical expertise, her personal desire to continuously learn more, to grow and be better than yesterday, together with a business education achieved in both the United States and Europe and with a history of work in the American banking industry - offer Sanda a well-rounded perspective on business, finances and how to set herself up for success and bring her to the point in her life when she feels ready to live her purpose of sharing knowledge and guide others throughout their journey.


See what our students are saying...


  • Desire to make a meaningful difference in other people's lives
  • Are ready to be a change-maker and force for transformation
  • Want to learn a variety of skills you can apply to your every day life
  • Appreciate a straight-forward, info-packed, done-for-you learning experience
  • Enjoy learning at your own pace and want to get started quickly

You can't go wrong with our

"I Love This Training" Guarantee!

We know there's no way you're truly able to decide if a course or certification program is right for you until you actually get inside.

So today, we're not asking you to decide if this the perfect program for you. 
We're inviting you to take a look around and assess whether the information our experts have laid out for you is worth your time and attention.

At the end of the day, we value your transformation over profit.

Yes, we're extremely confident that this training will transform your life just the way it's transformed the lives of over 700,000 students across the globe.

But  if for any reason -- whether it's in 30 minutes or in 30 days -- you decide this course isn't for you, simply send us an email within 30 days of your purchase and we'll refund you right away.

No questions asked, no explanation needed, no monkey business.

The Power of the Human Mind Master Class

Get started today!


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